Dear readers,

here is a new post from your lazy cat and a bit of a princess.

I like to sleep, a lot, but there are my brothers that any excuse is good for getting confused. Basically everything is good for playing.


When Leila cooks and picks up a vase containing the pasta, the two troublemakers run in pole position, with that “please, please, please” look.
And she can’t resist. She gives him a piece and voilà (yes I’m a cat who knows 3 words of French) starts the confusion. No because it’s not like they look at where they go or what. They slam left and right. I could sing: “What a mess…. it will be because I love you “. (It’s an italiang song)
No more chatter and let’s go on.

We are full of


Leila, she always buys us something.
It can be “our candy” or something to play with.
She recently discovered that the two Janissaries, if they can be called that, like plumes.

And here they are at work as you can see in the photos alongside. As you can imagine these games do not have a long life, fortunately, by hearsay they are cheap.

But the difference is that Taboo likes to play. so he is almost delicate and he immediately releases his grip because he wants to start again. Teo is wilder…. and how
if he is. If he grabs the plume “Open Heaven !!!”. Feathers all over the place and the game ends up with far fewer details.

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